August 8, 2014Burmese Python, Albino Het Green 2014 Albino Het Green Burmese Python. Minnesota sales ONLY, can not cross state lines.
August 8, 2014Burmese Python, Green Het Albino 2014 Green Het Albino Burmese Python. Minnesota sales ONLY, can not cross state lines.
August 8, 2014Burmese Python, Het Green and Albino 2014 Double Het Burmese Python. Minnesota sales ONLY, can not cross state lines.
August 8, 2014Brazilian Rainbow Boas 2014 Baby Brazilian Rainbows out and ready to go! Had to pull out one of our favorites to also say a big THANK YOU for […]
August 8, 2014Colombian Rainbow Boas, Leucistic and Het Leucy 2014 Colombian Rainbow Boa babies. Should be ready to go by the end of August.
August 17, 2014Black Death Feigning Beetles Black death feigning beetles, (Cryptoglossa variolosa) A very easy to care for beetle, fun to watch.
August 17, 2014Blue Death Feigning Beetles Blue death feigning beetles, (Asbolus verrucosus). Fun and easy to care for, long lived beetle species. Do not get them wet or they turn black, […]
August 17, 2014Red Tail Boas, Ghost and Anery Het Albino A few shots of some of this litter after first shed, babies are from a Ghost sire to a Snow dam. Born 8/3/2014. Will be […]
August 17, 2014Japalura splendida AKA, Banana split dragon, banana tree dragon, neon tree dragon, banana mountain lizard, etc, etc. This is why scientific names are helpful. Beautiful animals no […]
August 28, 2014Steppe Runners 2014 Baby Steppe Runners (Eremias arguta). Really fun smaller lizard, easy to care for.